About Us

About Us

The BNCC is a not for profit organisation with the overall vision of "Building a Business Community to Support Each Other". Our geographic region is the Brisbane North area centred around Chermside.

We are members of both the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Australian Chamber) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ). We are also affiliated to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) which has over 1400 Chambers worldwide.

As a not for profit organisation, our Executive Committee are all volunteers and donate their time and efforts because they are passionate about helping to develop business on the Brisbane Northside. The only paid positions are the secretariat and website administrator who are employed for a few hours each month to assist in the administrative function and to organise the event marketing and bookings.

For further information about Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce please download our latest brochure.


Executive Committee & Administration Team

The executive committee provides effective overview of all aspects of management, including strategic direction, planning, managing and evaluating resources to achieve agreed objectives in line with the aims and goals of the Chamber. They are supported by events, administration and communications team to ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the chamber.  

Renee Bailey
Executive Committee Member
Fiona Napier
Membership Officer
Alana Rauert
Executive Member
Steven Turner
BNCC Events & Administration Officer
Grant White
Executive Committee Member

Join and become a member, simply contact us or come along to one of our events to find out more.

You can also become a BNCC partner and increase your profile and target Brisbane's growing SME sector.

Joining is easy. Simply click the application button below.

Membership is valid for 12 months from the date of joining.

Latest BNCC News

ETC MySmallBiz Expo
 Enjoy presentations and connect with industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and supportive services. Read more.

Brisbane City Council Workshop - Double Your Profits Blueprint
Join this free Brisbane City Council workshop on Thursday, 20 March 2025, to learn how optimising key business metrics can boost your profits and support your growth. Read more.

View more news

Upcoming Events

Keep updated with the latest happenings at Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce to participate in and create great opportunities. Click here to view more events.

April Night Owls Networking
7 April 2025
Proudly sponsored by
The Cadence Method
Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Expo
10 April 2025
BNCC Corporate Golf Day
11 April 2025
May Night Owls Networking
12 May 2025
Proudly sponsored by
Fortifi Finance

After we met at BNCC networking and exchanged business cards, Adrian Toscano from Tosca Industries called me out of the blue to ask if we had any clients with truck licences that were looking for employment. Within two days, one of my wonderful clients was interviewed. The next day he started employment for Adrian's company.  This opportunity has had a massive impact on my client's life. His mental health has changed for the better and he came in personally to thank me. It goes to show how a simple exchange of business cards can make all the difference!
Adrian and I are now in regular contact for any future opportunities. If anyone is considering becoming a member of BNCC, I would highly recommend it.

Joy Owen Jones, Wise Employment
Joy Owen Jones, Wise Employment

Chamber events are full of genuine people wanting to make meaningful and long-lasting business connections. More importantly, I’ve now had numerous follow-up meetings with people I’ve met through the chamber and am pleased to report we have signed up several new stations sponsors as a result.

Andrew Eagleson, 96five FM
Andrew Eagleson, 96five FM

The best thing is, when all is said and done, BNCC is a great place for doing business. Some of my longest and most valued clients have emerged from the trusting relationships I’ve developed through the chamber.

Aaron Macdonald, Business Insurance Cover Services
Aaron Macdonald, Business Insurance Cover Services

Joining the chamber has been one of the best decisions I’ve made since I started my business in 2016. There is tremendous value in being able to meet regularly with like-minded business people. Not only have I enjoyed the opportunity to win new work through the chamber but its extensive network of contacts has provided me with the support and answers I’ve needed to the myriad questions faced by a new business owner. In just a few short months I’ve already realised the value of my annual membership and I would encourage anyone in business on the Northside to make the most of this great network.

Mark Cusack, Cusack Communicatons
Mark Cusack,    Cusack Communicatons

I've really enjoyed building a network within the BNCC. Every fortnight I attend the events and build new relationships within a trustworthy and talented group of people. I've already recommended the BNCC to others, and will continue to do so in the future.

Alex Cumberland, Synergy 8
Alex Cumberland, Synergy 8