Members Tour Airport Precinct
More than 40 chamber members took part in BNCC’s recent tour of Brisbane Airport.
The guided visit was hosted by Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) and incorporated a stop at the Ibis hotel and its stunning Sky Lounge. The rooftop venue provided guests with panoramic views of the latest precinct developments.

Members enjoyed a close up pass of the soon to be completed parallel runway as well as the now-being-built Auto Mall and car performance

The event concluded with a networking function at the Novotel Brisbane Airport Hotel.
Brisbane Airport Corporation is a valued major partner of BNCC and acted as guides for members on the tour. Members heard first hand about how ongoing growth at the airport will see an additional $1.8 billion invested in precinct infrastructure up to 2022; meaning more jobs and ongoing opportunities for northside businesses.
Of particular interest was the new parallel runway which is due to open in 2020. Once operational the runway will enable Brisbane Airport’s capacity to increase from 50 to 110 aircraft movements per hour.

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