get to know .. JO HASSAN

Jo Hassan is a Vitality Expert.

For more than 25 years Jo has run her own small businesses and been involved in business coaching. Now she is showing other business owners how they can double their energy, maximise profit and create a fully self-managed business to reduce stress, increase vitality and create a lifestyle they love.

Jo says it’s not unusual for small business owners to feel overwhelmed.

“Many of my clients can’t remember when they last had family time, a holiday or even a day off when they didn’t think about their business.

“They are working too many hours on too many different aspects of their business. They feel like they have their business whirling around in their head 24 hours a day.”

In response, Jo developed the PEPP® Model and PEPP® Small Business Coaching Program. 

PEPP® stands for Purpose, Energy, Pleasure and Profit. The model calls on participants to consider these elements before starting any activity, whether it’s work-related or not.

On top of her day job, Jo is a member of the BNCC executive. She has also recently published Full Circle – Building Resilience in Business and Life from the Jagged Edges of PTSD. The book is the “back story on the back story” for why PEPP® is important and why Jo is known for her love of the colour pink and how it helped her overcome mental illness. (PTSD = post-traumatic stress disorder).

If you’d like to discuss how PEPP® can help you to find the energy and vitality you need in your business please contact Jo directly on 0411 490 418, email jo@johassan.com or visit www.johassan.com

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